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A Beautiful Mind

A Beautiful Mind

reality: his wife, his wisdom of Nash equilibrium, the Soal following him

imagination: the roommate, decoding the magazine, the work for gov, the implantation, the Parchel

*You see, the nightmare of schizophrenia is not knowing what’s true. Imagine if you had suddenly learned that the people and the places and the moments most important to you were not gone, not dead, but worse, had never been. What kind of hell would that be? *

In fact, there is more than the only three persons for a person who suffers from the schizophrenia. It’s hard to see what’s is true and what is imagination just on his own. But according to the first phase of《shanghai culture》(temporarily regard it as truth), he did overcome the schizophrenia on his own will. He stepped into craziness from ration and finally back to ration. He is a pure mathematician and dedicate all his life to his love- the math. It’s awesome and respectable.

Besides, a real genius is the one that can controls himself by his ration ,by his mind, which is powerful enough than anyone to solve any problem, and acquire anything. I wish I could be a person who is almost most of time rational but sometimes is sensible enough to experience the world by my sense.

At last, I want to say, after watching the movie, I make a research to John Nash, the prototype of the protagonist, there is some information that say he is not that great, his wife is not that devoted, his son is also a schizophrenia. In my opinion, on the one hand it’s maybe not the truth ,just a rumor or a fallacy passing from person to person, on the other hand, it reflects the common mental activity which never hides their jealous because of the protection of the Internet.

A great person is always great from past to now, no matter the contemporary morality.

But the hot list is quick-changing, which exists as short as a second past.

I want to be a less greater person than genius , and I will never care about the hot list anymore.

When fellows say me out of fashion, who cares!

(Ps. Good health whether body or mental can’t be overemphasized. Good habits must be developed of course)

(Pps: my English writing is too poor to watch, I will improve my writing skill in some extent from next week)

文章作者: Lam
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 Lam !
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