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  1. 用词:
    • 准确
    • 多用连词
    • 代词检查
  2. 句子
    • 简明扼要,
      • 能用一个动词的不用两个动词,能少用一个名词就用少用一个名词
      • 不要让读者猜意思,应该一看就懂
    • 简明扼要的引出主题
    • 紧紧围绕主题,不要太绕
  3. 段落(结构)【直接说】
    • 正式语言,详细事实(概括图表,有具体的事实数据)
      • 三句话内结束第一段
    • 段与段之间上下衔接,通过过渡句,有连词,有一二三彰显层次感
    • 内容段中(第二段)有一二三,有连词,有层次
    • 简明扼要的总结
  4. 总体
    -  正式语言,详细事实(概括图表,有具体的事实数据)
       -  明确列出条例现阶段就不要写的太长,不能信马由鞭
          -  段与段之间上下衔接,句子间加连词,有层级感


Nowadays, the globalization of the world is becoming more and more obviously. At the same time, our earth has become a global village where each one in each country could have a big confluence to the whole world just like the butterfly effect. I will talk about it in three aspects.

Initially, the globalization brings the global economy together. On the one hand, a break-down of the stock market in a west country can cause a huge damage to the stock market in the east country. On the other hand, international trade becomes easier and easier which means you can drive the American car, use the Japanese camera, eat the European snacks, and watch the Chinese TV. Your life could be extremely colorful because of the globalization. What’s more, due to the globalization, ecology and environment meet the great challenge. The earth belongs to all of us. So we have obligation to protect and cherish the lovely earth. Once there is a person polluting the environment, all of us will suffer the pain. Last but not least, human beings are much more linked because of the globalization. We are breathing the common air, drinking the common water, living on the common earth. Thus when a new virus breaks out in one place, it will spread fast around the other places by air, water or something else. Look at the terrible coronavirus– the COVID 19. Nobody could stand by in the face of the common enemy. Everyone should make contributions to overcoming the horrible evil.

Globalization has both advantages and disadvantages. It depends on how people treat it. We can make full use of it to strengthen the relationship between two countries in the form of collaboration. We can also avoid or reduce the disadvantages of globalization. At last, I wish the globalization in the future will do more good to the whole world.

文章作者: Lam
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 Lam !
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